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Speak Up For Freedom, Their Future Is In Your Hands

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Why SpeakNow Canada? 

Advocating for yourself, family, and community couldn't be easier!

A custom button technology has been created to allow Canadians to quickly address current issues with the political party, committee or group of their choice.

In the time it takes to write to one government leader, you can write to them all!


SpeakNow Canada is non-partisan. There is no affiliation with any political party or organization.


This platform has been created for all Canadians to quickly and easily partake in their civic right to communicate with the government bodies making decisions on their behalf. I believe  Canadians have fundamental rights to hold opinions and share their concerns and should be using these rights to respectfully advocate for themselves and future generations.

It was an honour to have SpeakNow Canada showcased in Dr. William Makis's recent Substack article. I admire his continued efforts to bring truth, justice and in-depth education regarding our healthcare systems and a recommended path forward our government should be taking. Here are a couple of clips from his gracious article:

Dr Makis headline on Substack.png
Dr Makis take on Substack image.png

After watching many of Dr. Makis's video's and interviews and reading many of his articles I felt led to send this email to Premier Smith and her Cabinet. I hope all will take a few minutes and consider sending their concerns and hopes for Alberta's healthcare system to Alberta's MLA's as well.

UCP Health Email image page 1.png

Created by one Canadian.... for all Canadians!

Ann Image

Hi! My name is Ann, I'm a mom of 3 and a grandmother of 4 very cute grand babies. I created SpeakNow Canada to be a tool for all Canadians to amplify their voices as they advocate for themselves, their family and their community. I hope that all Canadians will share their concerns now when their voices need to be heard most!

An efficient and simplified breakdown of all government parties, committees, and groups that you can have access to when you become a member of SpeakNow Canada. Simple click of a button and you can email an entire party of your choice in seconds. 

Please connect to see emails I have written on changes I want to see in Canada.

If the international opinions of Canada are correct, we have work to do!

Do you agree with Bill Maher? Is the international opinion of Canada true? Has Canada moved 'too far left'? With laws in place such as Bill C11 - The Online Streaming Act and Bill C18 - The Online News Act finding information on what is going on in Canada has become hidden or harder to find. 

To view these enacted legislations, click here:

My Take…

I met Ann Rush at one of my Live Events and we talked about the platform she created, that would allow Canadians to easily contact their political representatives.

I thought it was a fantastic idea.

Dr. Makis Alberta

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