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***Please note: Editing, rewriting and personalizing the following content is strongly encouraged. Suggested email content regarding common issues being discussed has been written to assist in communicating quickly with the government but may not reflect the your sentiments. All suggested email content has been written based on personal findings and conclusions and therefore is offered to be copied and used at your discretion. 

Subject: A Canadian citizens call for an election


Dear Members of Parliament and the Senate: 


I am writing to communicate Canadian's expectations and ongoing experiences under the current elected government’s service.


As Canadian citizens, we have the following basic expectations from our elected representatives:


  1. That they operate with exceptional fiscal restraint and responsibility, remembering that every tax dollar has been received from the hard work of all Canadian citizens.

  2. That they respect the independence, privacy and autonomy of all Canadian citizens, rejecting excessive government control or ideological mandates that hinder their ability to create, build, communicate and prosper. 

  3. That they champion our freedom to receive news in all digital formats, express their opinions and concerns, communicate their faith and gather in worship or protest without fear of reprisal, as enshrined in our Canadian Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

  4. That all who are elected are above reproach and serve ethically for the benefit of Canadians with complete transparency.

  5. That all Canadian citizens receive compassionate care and support prioritizing the principle of doing no harm.

  6. That Canada's sovereignty, security and economic growth are their primary mandate and therefore they must resist all assimilation into global treaties, agreements, accords or other binding documents that infringe on Canada’s ability to operate as an independent nation.

  7. That they are proud to serve a country with vast stores of natural resources meant to benefit all Canadians and the world.

  8. That all Canadians receive equality, dignity, and protection without bias or favouritism.

  9. That all law enforcement, military, and justice systems are overseen with strict mandates to operate with discipline, unbiased opinions and fairness, to ensure the safety and security of all citizens within Canada’s borders.

  10. That any taxation imposed on Canadian citizens is known to be punitive and represents a poor governance model that should always be reduced or discarded where possible.


Regrettably, these fundamental expectations are currently being undermined by:


  1. The implementation of an inflated budget that has added over $40 Billion more to the current $1.2 Trillion debt. No government in the world should be legally allowed to pass a budget or have a debt of this magnitude.  Also, within the 2024 Auditor General’s report, this government appears to have failed on all audited findings and is showing no remorse or taking any responsibility for its negligence and lack of ethics or is it working to rectify any of the egregious financial choices made.

  2. Every dollar being offered to Canadians under the guise of a benefit that is funded by taxpayer's money is now only supplied through mandated compliance of its recipients. The regulations all healthcare, dental care, homebuilders or other providers must agree to in order to receive what is being offered are designed to stifle and regulate all these industries in punitive and unreasonable manners.

  3. Threats of severe punishment through existing and proposed laws and regulations infringing upon our civil liberties, democratic rights and freedom of speech. Also, by placing undue restrictions on journalists and news sources, Canadians are being denied the information that is their inalienable right to receive to be properly informed and educated.

  4. Making obvious choices to protect itself over the safety and security of Canadians as shown in the recently published NSICOP report.

  5. Inadequate support is provided to the physically ill, mentally ill and chemically addicted citizens by providing legalized addictive drugs or assisted dying as the preferred treatment methods. 

  6. Supporting global organizations advocating and applying unscientific and punitive measures on the world. More and more countries and states are not accepting the mandates and regulations being called for by the WHO, UN and the WEF seeing that within their agendas there is a clear path to world dominance and depopulation. – These are no longer defined as conspiracy theories.

  7. Denying requests from international trade partners for Canada’s vast resources mined in the most environmentally sustainable process leaving them to use coal and other unsustainable energy methods. There are just no words for this economic oversite. If adhering to a climate change goal is this government's number one agenda item, why is it not ensuring Canada does its part internationally to reduce carbon emissions?

  8. Communicating in manners that divide all Canadians by providing favouritism towards certain citizens through an imbalance of law enforcement, publications and press releases. Canadians are often being spoken of with derogatory language in press conferences labelling them as undemocratic if they have opinions opposed to this minority government's views or using shame and guilt tactics such as ‘going on a holiday is causing the world to burn’ are extremely hurtful and demoralizing and should never be said about the people that these elected officials serve.

  9. Allowing law enforcement, the military and the justice system to enforce laws and operate based on inconsistent regulations and punitive measures. Some Canadian citizens are being excessively fined or incarcerated and many who are dangerous to the safety of Canadians are not being held or appropriately incarcerated. Also, an obvious lack of fairness is being viewed within the allowance for violent and destructive protests and the intimidation and legal overreach being applied against peaceful protesters.

  10. Punitive taxation has been implemented without Canadians having adequate representation. It is imperative that transparency regarding the Carbon Tax, changes to the Capital Gains Tax, and all other tax adjustments be presented during an election or by referendum.  All legislated taxes should be seen as punitive and should never be added without first applying all opportunities to reduce government spending.


I urge all current Members of Parliament to call for an immediate election given the gravity of these challenges and the prevailing sentiment of Canadians feeling unheard and disregarded. Canadians currently are not being served in a democratic framework as this minority government only received their positions based on 20% of the eligible Canadian voter population and has executed every law and regulation based on an unethical agreement with another minority party. By allowing for an election now, you will empower Canadians to actively participate in shaping the future of our nation, ensuring the operation of a true democracy and the respect of the citizens it serves.




Concerned Citizen

Anytown, Any Province

X0X 0X0

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I am so thankful for all who have shared their time, talent and finances and know the value of increasing awareness and change with their words!

What if a million Canadians reminded the elected that they are in office to serve?

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